Monday, January 6, 2014

Why are you paying someone else's mortgage?

Thanks for reading my Blog..

    My name is Ron Zaremba and I'm a Residential Real Estate specialist in Rhode Island. I wanted to have a place for first time homebuyers to educate and inform themselves on what's needed to purchase a home in this exciting market.

    So many friends I run into didn't know they could actually purchase or afford a home. I have so many friends that are paying more for rent than a mortgage would be. Once they had some very simple home buying information, I was able to guide them into getting what they thought wasn't possible and that's a great feeling!

    I'll add informative links on how to attract lenders, improving your credit, school rankings, tax information, saving money, and so much more. So please stay tuned and I hope you learn lots of great information. I hope I can help you with your next purchase and will give you the guidance you deserve.

Here's a Few tips from Opera on how to get the banks wanting your business for a great affordable mortgage........

Mortgage rates............

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